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DLN Education Center

Welcome to the DLN Education Center. Here you will find articles written by contributing writers not associated with D. L. Newslow and Associates, Inc.. 

Please note: The information contained within the Education Center is written by all different kinds of people from all over the world. It is intended as a library resource for educational purposes only and does not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of D. L. Newslow and Associates, Inc.. Please read our Internet Disclaimer for further information.

Turkey Thawing Chart

Turkey Size

In the Refrigerator
(Approximately 24 hours
for every 4-5 lbs.)

In Cold Water
(Approximately 30
minutes per lb.)

4 to 12 pounds

1 to 3 days

2 to 6 hours

12 to 16 pounds

3 to 4 days

6 to 8 hours

16 to 20 pounds

4 to 5 days

8 to 10 hours

20 to 24 pounds

5 to 6 days

10 to 12 hours

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