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Alternative Ways to Cook Turkey

Always make sure whole turkeys reach a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F. Use a meat thermometer to measure the temperature in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and the thickest part of the breast.



Estimated Cooking Time


Electric Roaster Oven

8 to 24 lbs.

Generally same times as for oven roasting.

Minimum oven temperature 325 °F. Check appliance manual.

Grilling: Covered Charcoal Grill or Covered Gas Grill

8 to 16 lbs.

15 to 18 minutes per pound. DO NOT STUFF.

Air in the grill must maintain 225 to 300 °F; use drip pan.


8 to 12 lbs.

20 to 30 minutes per pound. DO NOT STUFF.

Air in the smoker must maintain 225 to 300 °F; use drip pan with liquid.

Deep Fat Frying

8 to 12 lbs.

3 to 5 minutes per pound. DO NOT STUFF.

Oil must maintain 350 °F.
Follow manufacturer’s instructions.


8 to 14 lbs.

9 to 10 minutes per pound on medium (50%) power. DO NOT STUFF.

Use oven cooking bag. Rotate during cooking.

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