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Dr. Ronald Schmidt

Food Safety & Regulatory Specialist

Dr. Schmidt,  "Retired UF Professor Emeritus", has been an integral part of the food industry, working hard as an extension professor for the University of Florida since the mid 1970’s.  Ron’s expertise knows no boundaries in all the areas of the food industry including dairy, citrus, poultry, fruits, vegetables, meat, and seafood. 

Ronald H. Schmidt, Ph.D., professor, Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, University of Florida (Gainesville), will be honored for promoting an understanding of food chemistry and microbiology to undergraduate and graduate students, industry professionals, and government agencies.  In addition, he will be commended for his outstanding service to IFT.’ Ron has also authored and co-authored several textbooks and articles on numerous topics related to the food industry. We are honored to have his assistance with the HACCP Plan Development, HACCP Prerequisites and Advanced HACCP workshops.

Dr. Schmidt, Professor Emeritus, Food Science & Human Nutrition Dept., University of Florida, has had a productive career of over 35 years in teaching, research, and extension.  In addition to his academic career, Dr. Schmidt has experience with the US Public Health Service/Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  As a UF Food Science Extension Specialist since the mid 1980s, Ron has been an integral part of the food industry, where he worked closely with industry and regulatory professionals in food processing (e.g. dairy, citrus, poultry, fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood), and in retail foods.  Dr. Schmidt has served in leadership roles in professional associations, and has been recognized by his fellow professionals including:

International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) - Affiliate Council Chair (1990-92),  Ex. Board Member (1990-92); Certificate of Merit (1987), Special Recognition (1992), Educator Award (1998), Honorary Lifetime Member Award (2009);  Florida Association for Food Protection (FAFP) - President 1988-90), Education Chairperson (1986-92), Bronson Lane Lifetime Achievement Award (2008), Lifetime Membership Award (2009);   Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) -  Ex. Comm. (2002 – 2004), IFT Council Chairperson (2002-03), IFT Fellow (1999);  Florida Section IFT – Secretary (1987 89), Chairperson (1992-93), Councilor (1994-97,  Sparkle Award—Recognizing Excellence in Food Safety and Sanitation (2000), Bob Olson Award (2003), Dr. Ronald H. Schmidt Graduate Fellowship (since 2008);  Florida Dairy Products Association (FDPA) – Ex. Board (since 1986); Southern Assoc. of Agricultural Scientists (SAAS) - Certificate of Appreciation (1988); Southeastern Food Processors Association (SFPA) - Scholarship Honoring Dr. Ronald Schmidt (since 1996);  Newberry High School Science Dept., Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Contributions to Innovative Microbiology Workshops (1997); South Florida Dairy Industry Association - Honorary Member Award (2000);  National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) – Ex. Board Member (since 2008); 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. - Academic Representative (since 1992), Board of Directors (since 2007), Chairperson (2010-2012); University of Florida, College of Agriculture--Teacher of the Year Nomination (1978, 1982, 1985), Professional Excellence Program (PEP) Award (1999), Productivity Award  (2001).

His IFT Fellow announcement read as follows:

"Ronald H. Schmidt, Ph.D., professor, Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, University of Florida (Gainesville), will be honored for promoting an understanding of food chemistry and microbiology to undergraduate and graduate students, industry professionals, and government agencies.  In addition, he will be commended for his outstanding service to IFT."

Ron has also authored and co-authored several textbooks and articles on numerous topics related to the food industry.


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