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How Can You Benefit from Root Cause Analysis Training?

Are you finding that your food service business is afflicted with problems that do not necessarily have an identifiable cause? If so, implementing Root Cause Analysis (RCA) may help. RCA identifies the factors that resulted in the nature, the magnitude, the location, and the timing of harmful outcomes in the past in order to identify which behaviors, actions, inactions, or conditions must be changed in order to prevent recurrence of similar harmful outcomes. Root Cause Analysis also helps to attain better consequences.

In the food industry, there is a need for production-based RCA due to quality control and manufacturing. It is absolutely necessary for your company to incorporate RCA as a tool for continuous improvement if your goal is to always strive to be better and have the highest possible standards.

In order to perform a Root Cause Analysis, begin by defining the current problem. Gather data and evidence, creating a timeline of events that lead to the crisis. Identify the causes associated with each step in the sequence towards the defined problem or event and recognize potential root causes that may have led to the event. Distinguish solutions that are effective and prevent recurrence with reasonable certainty. Also, be certain to obtain a consensus agreement among your fellow employees. Lastly, implement these root cause corrections, and ensure the effectiveness of these solutions by observing the results.

Our trained experts at D.L. Newslow & Associates understand that the process of Root Cause Analysis can be difficult to implement. That’s why we offer training and consulting on RCA. If you are finding that your business is facing problems that you simply cannot deal with on your own, please contact our trained food industry experts at (407)290-2754 today.

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