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Why is Food Safety Important?

Maintaining proper food safety is essential for every company in the food industry. Companies maintain very strict food safety standards and regulations because if they do not, serious problems may occur.

Without proper regulations in the food manufacturing process, productivity losses and safety issues can occur. The goal is to make a company’s manufacturing process as safe as possible, while being as effective as possible. Productivity losses in the manufacturing plant can cost a business a fortune in lost revenue. However, medical expenses from employees or customers who encounter illness due to lack of food safety standards can be even more costly. Maintaining strict food safety standards upholds the reputation of your business in the eyes of your customers and helps prevent potential hazards from occurring.

At D.L. Newslow & Associates in Orlando, we understand the importance of food safety and can cater food safety training programs to the specific needs of your business. Our team represents over 200 years of experience in combined fields of quality, food safety and system development. Give our main office a call today at 407-290-0252.

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