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  • DLN Partner EcoLab to Offer Two New Workshops in 2014

DLN Partner EcoLab to Offer Two New Workshops in 2014

We are proud to be in a partnership with EcoLabs Food Safety Institue and announce two Orlando workshops they are offering this year. Please be sure when you register to check the box that you heard about the classes from D.L. Newslow!

March 4 - 5, 2014 Implementing SQF Systems in Food Manufacturing Operations
More and more food manufacturers and foodservice operators are seeking to implement Safe Quality Food (SQF) systems to improve their operations, protect consumers and meet the demands of food buyers. Taught by experienced SQF trainers, this two-day
Ecolab course leads participants through the material, using practical exercises that reinforce learning. Essential for :
• Plant managers and supervisors
• Quality assurance team
• Food safety personnel
• Food plant maintenance personnel
• New food plant employees
• Retail or foodservice personnel managing suppliers
Click here to register. and be sure to check the box that you heard about the classes from D.L. Newslow!

May 6 - 7, 2014 Understanding the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety (issue 6)
Understanding the BRC (British Retail Consortium) Standard for Food Safety (Issue 6) – one of the standards that are recognized as meeting the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) requirements – is a must for today's food manufacturers. As your partner in food safety and quality, Ecolab offers this critical training at multiple locations across the United States.
Essential for :
• Plant managers and supervisors
• Quality assurance team
• Food safety personnel
• Food plant maintenance personnel
• New food plant employees
• Retail or foodservice personnel managing suppliers
Click here to register. and be sure to check the box that you heard about the classes from D.L. Newslow!

You can also view their entire calendar of events HERE.

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