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Active Magnetic Research

AMR is a well recognized authority on metal fragment control for HACCP. AMR conducts annual and semi-annual magnet strength checks on over 90 food manufacturing companies across Australia and also assist in metal fragment analysis and recommendations in other food related manufacturing sites around the world.

Magnet validation and magnet strength checks are essential to maintain magnet efficiency over time and detect premature loss of magnet strength in critical areas.

Some “Rare Earth” magnets can lose strength quickly, especially some cheap imported units. Some may be only 6,000 gauss. Others of 10,000 gauss may have risky pole centre’s as far apart as 25mm, even 30mm along 25mm dia magnet bars. Therefore, periodic magnet checks using authentic gauss meters of current validity and correct magnet validation Gauss check procedures are essential to reducing risks of metal fragment contamination.

AMR and its licensed associates carry out Magnet Validation Reports using currently calibrated instruments, using procedures and documentation internationally endorsed by recognized HACCP authorities.

We are proud to be partnered with AMR and we welcome them into our DLN Partner family!

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