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SafetyChain Software

SafetyChain Software’s mission is to help providers of consumable goods enforce – in realtime – all safety & quality requirements at every point along their supply chain via innovative Safety Chain Management™ technologies.

With SafetyChain, non-compliant products do not come in, or go out, unless they pass all regulatory, non-regulatory and customer-driven compliance parameters along the chain – inbound, during production and outbound.

Their SafetyChain for Food™ suite helps food suppliers, growers, producers, manufacturers, distributors and retail/food services customers prevent losses – with hard-dollar return on investment – in four key ways:

  • Enforcing inbound/outbound/internal safety & quality requirements
  • Automating manual, error-prone processes
  • Preventing recalls, retrievals and rejections
  • Protecting your market value and brand

Their Software-as-a-Service solution is deployed in just weeks without stress on IT resources, provides almost immediate cost savings and easily integrates with and complements existing systems in your safety & quality enterprise.

This allows you to not only enforce internal standards, but to also create a food safety & quality chain "in the cloud" so that only safe, quality products come in from suppliers or go out to customers.

We are proud to include SafetyChain Software in the DLN Partner family!

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  • Street: 750 Lindaro Street, Suite 330
  • Postcode: 94901
  • City: San Rafael
  • State: California
  • Country: United States


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